The AL-Tap – Safe water in an Emergency

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california,drought,Emergency,gray water system,graywater,graywater recycling,Greywater,Greywater Recycling,Greywater System,potable water,rainwater capture,river
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Within the last year hundreds of thousands of Americans have experienced potable water instability or out right shortage.  As these alarming trends continue Water Recycling Systems (WRS) remains dedicated to providing safe water for everyone. That’s why we’re proud to offer our newest system, the AL-TAP.  With the AL-TAP’s ultra-filtration water sources like 

– Rainwater
– River water
– Well water

Can be purified and turned into drinking water.  With no electricity needed this refillable system can store and purify up to 15 gallons of water.  With minimal assembly the AL-TAP is perfect for 

– Households, schools, homes
– Camping grounds. RV’s, Field camps 
– Emergency aid and disaster response

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