“Green” Division at Colliers International

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Here’s an interesting Blog entry from the “green” division at Colliers International, the highly respected global real estate services organization:


“I am at Greenbuild in Chicago and should have more case studies to point to the economic benefits of green and building efficiencies.  There is an economic payback and value proposition to green but the bottom line is that we all need to shift our mindset first on the way we own, operate invest and live in these buildings.

The old way of doing things is no longer cost effective and this will be evident as energy costs and water costs continue to rise to levels where we are forced to look for alternatives.  The opportunity cost is also too high for us not to look for alternatives.  We need to invest and advance instead of focusing on business as usual.

The near sighted view of investment in green solutions in real estate and energy should no longer be valid.  We have to take a long term approach to this or it will cost us and future generations more in the end.”


—  Colliers International

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