Reduce the Use: Water Footprints

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844-DROUGHT,california,drought,drought regulations,environmental conscious,gray water system,graywater,graywater recycling,green,green building,green technology,rainwater capture,toilet flush,water recycling,Water Recycling Systems,water savings
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In the face of extreme drought conditions bestowed upon California, we now turn our attention to reducing our water footprint. As you can infer, the term “water footprint” references our individual water-use habits and the overall impact it may leave on our finite water supply. There are numerous ways to reduce the use, many of which come as a natural result of our work.

By installing our graywater recycling systems and/or rainwater capture systems, water is being repurposed and reused to its full capacity. This in and of itself is a way for someone to drastically reduce their water footprint! Our rainwater capture systems can make use of thousands of gallons of rainwater and recycle it through your irrigation systems and toilets. It’s unbelievable how much you can reduce your water footprint by implementing innovative technology like ours!


By: Jay Berstein

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