As of a few hours ago, reports are coming out saying that our friends at California Water Fix have proposed a fifteen billion dollar solution to the currently outdated water facilities in California. Their solution is this: construct “two 30-mile-long tunnels up to 150 feet belowground to divert water from the northern edge of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta”. Inevitably, this has further opened the floodgates of rage that is today’s California water war. As with a majority of politicized issues, special interest groups are either strongly for or against said fifteen billion dollar plan. You can read more about it here.
But what can we do about it? If we want to combat the limited water supply on a personal level, it can only be through a consistent daily regimen of saving water, and even reusing it. That’s what we’re all about. We can invest that same fifteen billion and connect a ton of structures (residential or commercial) with our graywater/rainwater capture systems and save an unquantifiable amount of water. That’s our business.
By: Jay Berstein