In early 2015 the city of Los Angeles embarked on an unprecedented campaign to capture, control, and reuse stormwater. New rules and regulations, titled L.I.D (Low Impact Development), were put into place to define how both residential and commercial developments capture and control their stormwater.
A major tenant of LID states that any new development in Los Angeles must capture and control rainwater that falls onto the property. By releasing the captured water at a set rate the development helps to protect our water shed and saves the L.A. storm drain system from overload. Here at WRS we appreciate the cities desire to protect our most valuable resource, but we also ask the question, “If you must capture, why not reuse?”
This mantra drove our work at “The Broadway Job” a seven story commercial building in downtown Los Angeles. WRS helped design, build and install a state of the art Rainwater Capture and Reuse System that feeds the building’s ecologically friendly Green Roof. Further pictures and media can be found in the photo gallery section – . We are proud to help L.A. continue to save its most precious resource and we feel The Broadway Job was a great first step into the world of LID.