Located in the heart of Downtown Santa Monica is the Los Angeles branch of The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), a world renowned non-profit organization with a long history of fighting for sustainability and action on climate change.
Earlier this year The Robert Redford Building, the home of The NRDC in LA, underwent a massive renovation. During this renovation Water Recycling Systems (WRS) spearheaded the campaign to take the buildings recycled water infrastructure to a new cutting edge level.
Stunning Results From Our Greywater and Rainwater Recycling Systems
Needless to say the results are stunning! The building now uses recycled Graywater and Rainwater water recycling to flush toilets, irrigate, and to wash down their substantial solar array. This state of the art system fits perfectly in with the rest of the buildings sustainable infrastructure, making it one of the worlds greenest buildings and a recipient of a LEED Platinum rating.
Contact The Los Angeles Water Recycling Systems Experts Today!