Graywater, a solution to an epic drought: Melbourne Australia

At Water Recycling Systems, we enjoy sharing stories about reusing graywater from around the world. Here’s a great article from Melbourne, Australia, which survived an epic 13-year drought with massive and focused efforts to capture and use rainwater and graywater at every opportunity. “A study finds residents of Melbourne cut their water consumption in half by capturing rainwater […]

Somebody’s happy about their new graywater system

At an installation in Chatsworth, California, today, it was fun to see the home team mascots getting cool in the pool. The pool is not directly connected to the graywater and rainwater systems we’re installing, but by reusing graywater (bathroom sinks, bath/shower, and laundry) and utilizing rainwater for approved uses (almost 1,800 gallons anticipated for every inch of rain […]

Snapshots of a SoCal residential rainwater / graywater system

Here are just a few snapshots of an impressive residential rainwater system we’re installing in Orange County, California. It’s exciting that the owner wants to be efficient with water – one really has to think this way in the Golden State these days! Since the residence is under construction we will be installing a state of the art graywater system as well. Stay tuned!   This rainwater/graywater system […]