Check out our new Phone Number – 1.844.DROUGHT
Hey everyone, check out our new Phone Number: 1.844.DROUGHT Call Water Recycling Systems, LLC anytime to get started on a graywater recycling or rainwater capture system. We can help you save money, and reduce demand on the water supply.
Speaking of saving water, do you know the name of “Santa Monica’s Greenest Building?”
Just so happens, it’s the Santa Monica Public Library, Pico Branch. And how do we know? Because we designed and installed the Rainwater Capture system. At the Pico Branch Library, Water Recycling Systems installed a rainwater capture system anchored by a12,000-gallon rainwater tank during construction. Now, every time there’s a ‘1-inch rain event’, our system captures 8,300 […]
LEED Platinum Innovation: Rainwater Capture System for “Santa Monica’s Greenest Building”
The City of Santa Monica is the Poster-Child for environmental awareness. Sustainability, conservation of natural resources and a strong environmental conscience were high on their agenda long before they were popular and politically correct civic attributes. Over a year before California Governor Brown declared a “Drought State of Emergency”, supported by President Obama, Santa Monica […]