Will Winter Storms bring Drought relief?
California’s winter is off to a great start with large swaths of the state seeing significant, and much needed, snow and rainfall. As we’re all aware the last three years have been California’s driest on record. Reservoirs across the American West are being hit hard, with many far below average levels. But will this newest […]
The AL-Tap – Safe water in an Emergency
Within the last year hundreds of thousands of Americans have experienced potable water instability or out right shortage. As these alarming trends continue Water Recycling Systems (WRS) remains dedicated to providing safe water for everyone. That’s why we’re proud to offer our newest system, the AL-TAP. With the AL-TAP’s ultra-filtration water sources like – Rainwater– River water– […]
The Great Texas Truck Wash
As record droughts continue across the American West more and more companies are looking for innovative ways to save water. Luckily Water Recycling Systems (WRS) is here to help! Our newest commercial project took us to “Two Brothers Truck Wash” in Houston, Texas. With eight wash bays and round the clock customers this facility will […]
Eataly + WRS = Water Conservation
It’s a rare occurrence when the city of Los Angeles gets something “new”, this town has seen it all. But late last year something “new” appeared at the Westfield Century City Mall, and we at WRS are proud to have been part of its creation. We’re talking about Eataly LA! This sprawling 67,000 square foot culinary outpost features […]
We are now NSF 350 CERTIFIED!
WRS is proud to announce that we now offer an NSF 350 certified Graywater System! Some of our readers may be unaware of what exactly NSF 350 means and why this new certification is such a big deal. For those readers here’s a quick background on NSF 350 and its benefits. Recycled graywater with NSF 350 […]
L.A.’S New LID Stormwater Regulations And The Broadway Job
In early 2015 the city of Los Angeles embarked on an unprecedented campaign to capture, control, and reuse stormwater. New rules and regulations, titled L.I.D (Low Impact Development), were put into place to define how both residential and commercial developments capture and control their stormwater. A major tenant of LID states that any new development […]
When Water Supplies Plummet, So Do Property Values
Among the many issues associated with the drought (financial hits to the agricultural sector and the degradation of delicate ecosystems) is one that quite literally hits close to home. The lesser known drought-related detriment is the surprising decrease in property values. How is it that a state whose water use is 80% accounted for by […]
A New Shade of Gray: Paul Mitchell School Starts Recycling Gray Water
DECEMBER 3, 2010 | 11:23 AM They cut and color, wash and rinse — and send hundreds of gallons of soapy water down the drain each day. Now the 270 students at the new Paul Mitchell the School in Costa Mesa send the wastewater generated from their classwork to a filtration system that purifies 500 gallons of spent water daily and reuses it to flush the […]