DWP shows how much $$ you can you save by recycling graywater
Nearly every time a residential customer calls, he or she wants to know, “How much graywater does my home produce?” “How much property could my graywater cover?”, and “How much $$ can I save by recycling the graywater in my house?” Unfortunately, there’s no short answer for any of these important questions because, well, each one […]
Is drinking water potable, or potable?
Here’s a small detail that comes up all the time in our industry – how to pronounce the “o” in the word “potable”. Potable water is, of course, water that’s suitable for drinking. We use the word to distinguish from graywater, which is reusable in certain ways (irrigation, toilet flush) but not for drinking, and black water, […]
Snapshots of a SoCal residential rainwater / graywater system
Here are just a few snapshots of an impressive residential rainwater system we’re installing in Orange County, California. It’s exciting that the owner wants to be efficient with water – one really has to think this way in the Golden State these days! Since the residence is under construction we will be installing a state of the art graywater system as well. Stay tuned! This rainwater/graywater system […]
What this weekend’s storm meant for property owners who captured the rainwater
By now the whole world knows it rained in Southern California this weekend. In many parts of the state, it’s difficult to remember the last time it really rained. Such is the nature of our historic drought. On Saturday, about 1” of rain fell on parts of San Diego. Doesn’t seem like much? Water Recycling Systems’ customers […]