Why Snowpack Matters and a Rain Water Capture System will too!

16 of the last 28 years have been negative Snow Level Water Equivalents El Nino doesn’t guarantee Snow Pack California has a long way to go. California’s current Snow Water Equivalents by Region – http://cdec.water.ca.gov/cdecapp/snowapp/sweq.action Most of us assume if we have more rain, like that which is expected in the upcoming El Nino event, […]

From Drought Shaming to Reclaiming: Celebrities- Make a Statement!

They say the grass is always greener on the other side. In this case, the meaning is literal as celebrity lawns are being criticized for remaining green in the midst of a 100 year drought. We all know too much about the personal lives of the Kim Kardashians and Kanye Wests of the world. We […]

Recycling Gray Water is Fun, Easy, and Safe!


Before, it was, “…paper or plastic?” Now, you bring your own bag. Before, you owned a gas guzzler. Now it’s a Fiat 500 or Mini Cooper. Before, you’d use 20,000 gallons to irrigate and flush.  Now, you can reuse your shower and laundry water. Recycling gray water is fun, it’s easy and it’s safe! Save […]

“Green” Division at Colliers International


Here’s an interesting Blog entry from the “green” division at Colliers International, the highly respected global real estate services organization:   “I am at Greenbuild in Chicago and should have more case studies to point to the economic benefits of green and building efficiencies.  There is an economic payback and value proposition to green but […]