L.A.’S New LID Stormwater Regulations And The Broadway Job
In early 2015 the city of Los Angeles embarked on an unprecedented campaign to capture, control, and reuse stormwater. New rules and regulations, titled L.I.D (Low Impact Development), were put into place to define how both residential and commercial developments capture and control their stormwater. A major tenant of LID states that any new development […]
Warranted Optimism?
A recent Nasdaq Publication has given us insight on a California based company and its stock market integrity. As the post says, California Water Group’s “shares are currently trading up about 0.9% on the day.” For those not aware, the California Water Group is a collective effort to mitigate water usage. In short, they manage […]
Public Enemy #1: The Wet Prince
We’re sure our LA readers have heard about the individual who has been recognized informally as California’s Wet Prince of Bel Air, as The Center for Investigative Reporting titled the individual. Pseudonyms aside, this person/household has become a notorious figure in the water world, especially in the realm of drought shaming, and here’s why: this […]
It Doesn’t Have To Be This Way!
Now that the drought conditions have managed to surpass the pinnacle of extremity, we’re starting to see the changes that come as a result. An immediately apparent change has been home landscaping. People are either not watering their lawns and letting them turn brown, or uprooting their grass, and in turn landscaping with drought resistant (low water […]
Why Snowpack Matters and a Rain Water Capture System will too!
16 of the last 28 years have been negative Snow Level Water Equivalents El Nino doesn’t guarantee Snow Pack California has a long way to go. California’s current Snow Water Equivalents by Region – http://cdec.water.ca.gov/cdecapp/snowapp/sweq.action Most of us assume if we have more rain, like that which is expected in the upcoming El Nino event, […]
Snapshots of a SoCal residential rainwater / graywater system
Here are just a few snapshots of an impressive residential rainwater system we’re installing in Orange County, California. It’s exciting that the owner wants to be efficient with water – one really has to think this way in the Golden State these days! Since the residence is under construction we will be installing a state of the art graywater system as well. Stay tuned! This rainwater/graywater system […]