Public Enemy #1: The Wet Prince

We’re sure our LA readers have heard about the individual who has been recognized informally as California’s Wet Prince of Bel Air, as The Center for Investigative Reporting titled the individual. Pseudonyms aside, this person/household has become a notorious figure in the water world, especially in the realm of drought shaming, and here’s why: this […]

Spending Green to Appear Green

We’re really beginning to see the residual effects of the drought. Of course, shortening personal water usage is a must, but the means by which we’ve achieved this is sometimes a little preposterous. For instance, instead of letting one’s lawn just turn brown as a symbol of solidarity with fighting California’s drought, we’re seeing people […]

It Doesn’t Have To Be This Way!

Now that the drought conditions have managed to surpass the pinnacle of extremity, we’re starting to see the changes that come as a result. An immediately apparent change has been home landscaping. People are either not watering their lawns and letting them turn brown, or uprooting their grass, and in turn landscaping with drought resistant (low water […]

Reduce the Use: Water Footprints

In the face of extreme drought conditions bestowed upon California, we now turn our attention to reducing our water footprint. As you can infer, the term “water footprint” references our individual water-use habits and the overall impact it may leave on our finite water supply. There are numerous ways to reduce the use, many of […]

Radioactive Parody

Sometimes it feels as if governmental agencies prioritize in ways that are beyond the ordinary person’s understanding. The most recent headscratcher is the release of 850 tons of “filtered” water that was once used to cool nuclear reactors at the Fukushima plant, which, as you know, suffered the worst radioactive accident in the past century […]

How to Suppress Water Usage and Fires Simultaneously

Rainwater reclamation and reuse systems are known for conserving water on a massive scale, a notable achievement in and of itself. But, in some cases, it can save a person’s livelihood while making the job of firefighters more practical and cost effective. A recent publication suggests that the widespread use of rainwater capture systems can […]

Why El Nino can be our amigo

The latest publications are suggesting that this year’s El Nino will be comparable to Godzilla. That being the case, we can’t help but ask: what role can our rainwater capture systems play? The answer is this: a huge one! This year’s El Nino, according to NASA climatologists, has the potential to be unprecedented in severity. […]

From Drought Shaming to Reclaiming: Celebrities- Make a Statement!

They say the grass is always greener on the other side. In this case, the meaning is literal as celebrity lawns are being criticized for remaining green in the midst of a 100 year drought. We all know too much about the personal lives of the Kim Kardashians and Kanye Wests of the world. We […]

Somebody’s happy about their new graywater system

At an installation in Chatsworth, California, today, it was fun to see the home team mascots getting cool in the pool. The pool is not directly connected to the graywater and rainwater systems we’re installing, but by reusing graywater (bathroom sinks, bath/shower, and laundry) and utilizing rainwater for approved uses (almost 1,800 gallons anticipated for every inch of rain […]

LEED Platinum Innovation: Rainwater Capture System for “Santa Monica’s Greenest Building”

The City of Santa Monica is the Poster-Child for environmental awareness. Sustainability, conservation of natural resources and a strong environmental conscience were high on their agenda long before they were popular and politically correct civic attributes. Over a year before California Governor Brown declared a “Drought State of Emergency”, supported by President Obama, Santa Monica […]