Why El Nino can be our amigo

The latest publications are suggesting that this year’s El Nino will be comparable to Godzilla. That being the case, we can’t help but ask: what role can our rainwater capture systems play? The answer is this: a huge one! This year’s El Nino, according to NASA climatologists, has the potential to be unprecedented in severity. […]

Is drinking water potable, or potable?

tap water flows into the sink

Here’s a small detail that comes up all the time in our industry – how to pronounce the “o” in the word “potable”. Potable water is, of course, water that’s suitable for drinking. We use the word to distinguish from graywater, which is reusable in certain ways (irrigation, toilet flush) but not for drinking, and black water, […]

Graywater, a solution to an epic drought: Melbourne Australia


At Water Recycling Systems, we enjoy sharing stories about reusing graywater from around the world. Here’s a great article from Melbourne, Australia, which survived an epic 13-year drought with massive and focused efforts to capture and use rainwater and graywater at every opportunity. “A study finds residents of Melbourne cut their water consumption in half by capturing rainwater […]

California Drought Regulations – what’s new?

Although California urban water suppliers have managed to use 29% less water in May, and up to an inch of rain fell across southern California during an unusual summer storm last weekend, the years-long drought condition still persists. Some are calling it a 1,000-year drought, and experts agree it will take years of above average rainfall to get the state’s […]

Speaking of saving water, do you know the name of “Santa Monica’s Greenest Building?”

Just so happens, it’s the Santa Monica Public Library, Pico Branch. And how do we know? Because we designed and installed the Rainwater Capture system. At the Pico Branch Library, Water Recycling Systems installed a rainwater capture system anchored by a12,000-gallon rainwater tank during construction. Now, every time there’s a ‘1-inch rain event’, our system captures 8,300 […]